Thermobexta’s Better Beetroot Salad


I really love beetroot. Raw, roasted, steamed, grated, chopped, pureéd, it doesn’t matter to me. Here I have steamed the beetroot and added a fairly simple flavour combination and I could eat this for any meal of the day! I hope you like it.

800g beetroot, peeled, diced into 3cm cubes
50g sunflower seeds
1 spring onion, white part only (approx 12cm long)
2 sprigs of mint, leaves
70g baby spinach
50g extra virgin olive oil
30g apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper, to taste
80g feta


1. Set basket in place in mixer bowl and add beetroot. Add 600g water. Cook for 40 minutes/steaming temperature/speed 4/MC on.

2. Meanwhile, toast sunflower seeds in a small frying pan until they start to change colour. Set aside to cool.

3. When beetroot is cooked, remove basket from bowl and set aside to cool – it doesn’t have to get down to room temperature, but it does need to be significantly cooler. Discard water.

4. Place the lid on empty mixer bowl. Set to speed 8 and drop spring onion and mint onto the running blades. Leave running for a few seconds then turn off and remove the lid.

5. Add beetroot, spinach, EVOO, ACV and salt and pepper to taste, as well as most of the sunflower seeds, leaving aside a few to use as garnish.

6. Process for 8 seconds/speed 4/MC on, or until all ingredients are chopped to a similar size. Transfer into a serving bowl. Crumble feta over then top then top with remaining seeds. Mix thoroughly prior to serving.

For an amazing Beetroot and Lentil Salad, check out my cookbook, Summer Meal Mix Up.

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Kate Murray
Kate Murray
3 years ago

Love this! I’m looking for a beetroot shortcut though – do you think you could used the packaged pre-cooked ones from the supermarket? Not tinned? Xo

10 years ago

Another delish dish 🙂 love the combination of feta and beetroot. A perfect match! And I hadn’t thought to use sunflower seeds before, i always use pine nuts, but I have to admit they are really yummy and substantially cheaper!

10 years ago

Thanks Bec, I love this salad, very quick and easy when I have pre-cooked beets ready to go.

10 years ago

Hi, what could you use instead of sunflower seed, (not pine nuts either) due to allergies? Thanks

10 years ago

Sorry thats meant to be SPRING onions, not print onions!

10 years ago

The way your recipe is worded makes it sound like you drop the beetroot onto the running blades straight after the print onions. Perhaps you could change the wording so we don’t end up with (yummy) beetroot dip?

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Hi, I'm Bec

I specialise in great tasting vegetarian Thermomix recipes and cater for a wide range of dietary needs. I love sharing here and in my cookbooks my healthy, delicious recipes (of course the odd treat too!) Whether you’re looking to ignite your thermo mojo, or just after some new, really tasty family friendly recipes, there really is something here for everyone



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